ENZO 年销售排名第一
治疗性单克隆抗体在纯化过程中,A蛋白能够从柱子中浸出,从而导致污染。而在单抗药物中,残余的蛋白质A能够引起病人细胞促有丝分裂或免疫反应。因此,食品及药物管理局(FDA) 严格规定了治疗性药物单克隆抗体A蛋白质可接受的水平。
Enzo 推出的Protein A ELISA Kit,可以快速有效地检测治疗性单克隆抗体中金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁A蛋白残留,得到业界普遍认可,Protein A ELISA Kit在ENZO销售产品中,名列第一。
Protein A ELISA Kit 特点:
● 采用夹心ELISA 法
● 灵敏度高,检测线低至9.01 pg/ml (1ppm)
● 确保结果的准确性,可以识别不同结构的Protein A
● 高通量,经济省时<3h ,检测37个样本(一式两份)

Fig 1. Protein A Standard Curve. A) AlphaLISA Protein A Assay. A 12-point dilution series of the positive control was prepared ranging from 100,000 - 0.3 pg/mL was prepared. Twelve background points were used to calculate LDL. B) Protein A ELISA Assay. A 9-point dilution series of the positive control was prepared ranging from 100,000 – 10 pg/mL. Twelve background points were used to calculate LDL
稀释样品保证总IgG浓度≤ 1 mg/mL

Figure 7. Residual Protein A Screen of a panel of Human Antibodies. A panel of ten (10) human antibodies was screened for detectible levels of Protein A. Only those antibodies showing quantifiable [PA] are shown in the figure.
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