厂家改变了货号226 003的c-Fos rabbit antibody的应用范围。 SYSY新的c-Fos批次为7-77源自新的血清批次。相比6-76旧批次,新批次不适用于福尔马林固定的石蜡包埋组织(IHC-P / FFPE)的免疫组化染色。但是226 003依然是可以适用于PFA(多聚甲醛)固定材料的免疫细胞化学和免疫组织化学染色。
如果客户需要做IHC-P/FFPF,厂家推荐货号为226 013的c-Fos抗体,特别适用于FFPE材料。
We recently had a change regarding our c-Fos rabbit antibody.
Please inform your customer if they order this antibody.
Our new c-Fos lot 7-77 originates from a new serum batch. It is not as well suited for immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (IHC-P / FFPE) as our previous lot 6-76. For this application we recommend our new c-Fos antibody 226 013 especially validated for FFPE material.
As usual 226 003 shows excellent performance for immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry on PFA fixed material.
Here you can find more information of the two versions
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